Our Products

Flavored Milk

Choco Rica

Choco Rica is semi-skimmed milk that provides calcium, proteins, and vitamins A and D with an incomparable chocolate flavor that has accompanied the family for generations, forming part of a balanced diet. It is available in pasteurized and UHT formats.

Lactose Free Choco Rica

Choco RICA lactose-free milk has been developed for lactose intolerant people, i.e., those who cannot drink milk or its derivatives, because it causes them discomfort due to its high content, and therefore they are reluctant to enjoy all the flavor and benefits of dairy foods. Choco RICA lactose-free is easy to digest and preserves all the benefits of good milk.

La Vaquita Flavored Milk

A new alternative packed with nutrients and energy, offering an unbeatable taste that kids will love—perfect for lunchboxes and snack time.

Available in: 200ml